I feel very certain that the Lord wants to use the following to speak to someone who will be reading my blog. It is from my reading today of Acts 9.
When you step out in faith, it always brings clarity to God's plan. In the book of Acts, when Ananias went to see Saul, he received the next step. As Saul submitted himself to God's plan through Ananias, he found out more of God's plan. Hence, stepping out in faith brought clarity to what God is already doing.
Both Ananias and Saul had to step out in faith, and that was challenging. God chose Saul to be used as a tool, an instrument, or mouthpiece. Paul would be a "tool" that would face intense suffering during his life. A follower of Jesus will face times of suffering and trial.
Obedience like this, though, also brings growth. How easy it is to see, in hindsight, how much growth comes from taking a step of faith and trusting God for the solid ground ahead. For me, I can see how much I have been stretched emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Like Ananias, I am amazed at the transforming power of God to transform a life. My life.
When we comply with God, we will see supernatural things happen. For First Christian Southside, this will mean taking another step. Let's keep walking. Step out, and we will find clarity and solid ground.
Acts 9