If at all times you remain hidden in Jesus Christ, you will see the truth of the words of Isaiah, which will be fulfilled in you: "With joy you will draw water from the wells of the Saviour", and also the words of the Gospel, which says: "Whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again."
- St. Paul of the Cross
A "place" to stay connected to Pastor Ronn for spiritual insight, encouragement, and fun.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Theological Term
Dogma is a set of authoritative teachings concerning a topic which can range from science, to religion, to beliefs. Generally, dogmas are not challenged since they have attained a status of broad acceptance, though this is not always the case. Dogma is a set of codes, beliefs, and principles which are held in religious as well as non-religious contexts.
- carm.org
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Beneva Christian Youth Reunion Sunday
On October 28th Beneva Christian Church will be hosting a "reunion" of sorts. This will be an opportunity for everyone who has had some connection to Beneva Christian over the past 20+ years to re-connect. Check out our website and facebook page for more information.
By the way, what a good worship experience we had last week. I am so glad to be a part of this church. God bless!
Pastor Ronn
By the way, what a good worship experience we had last week. I am so glad to be a part of this church. God bless!
Pastor Ronn
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Verse of the Day
The following verse was the "Verse of the Day" from Bible Gateway...from yesterday.
“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” 1 John 2:1 NIV
“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” 1 John 2:1 NIV
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Theological Term of the Day
Divinity is the nature or quality of being God. Within Christianity it belongs to God alone. It is also important to note that orthodox Christianity believes that Jesus was divine in nature (Col. 2:9) as well as being a man. For more information see Jesus' Two Natures.
- carm.org
Monday, September 24, 2012
Happy Birthday Dad!
This past weekend, I had lunch with Dad at Disney World for his birthday! The waitress was great and surprised us with three types of deserts, miniature sized.
(Mom, make sure dad sees this!)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Prayer for the Day
Creator God, I confess that I am impatient with your timetable for my life. You are God and I am not. I control very little of the things that happen in my life. I often get too angry or frustrated with the unexpected troubles that come.
I realize today that these "setbacks" can accomplish more in forming my character than when everything goes my way. May I learn to wait on Your timing and process, to hope and trust in You. May I delight myself in You today especially in the setbacks, interruptions, and troubles. Amen.
I realize today that these "setbacks" can accomplish more in forming my character than when everything goes my way. May I learn to wait on Your timing and process, to hope and trust in You. May I delight myself in You today especially in the setbacks, interruptions, and troubles. Amen.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Here is a family pic...
...this is the day we left Indiana and moved to FLORIDA!
Steve and LaVonne (Pictured with us, above) are visiting us in Sarasota this week.
Be Imitators of Christ...
Dear Blog followers and readers,
It is clear that Jesus spent significant times of prayer and meditation with the Father when he walked this Earth 2000 years ago.
Have you spent your time with the Father today?
I ask because I care about everyone who checks my blog regularly, and want you to know that that your spiritual well-being is important to me.
Praying for my blog readers today,
Ephesians 5
It is clear that Jesus spent significant times of prayer and meditation with the Father when he walked this Earth 2000 years ago.
Have you spent your time with the Father today?
I ask because I care about everyone who checks my blog regularly, and want you to know that that your spiritual well-being is important to me.
Praying for my blog readers today,
Ephesians 5
Friday, September 21, 2012
To remove warfare from a spiritual life is to render it unspiritual. Life in the spirit is a suffering way, filled with watching and laboring, burdened by weariness and trial, punctuated by heartbreak and conflict. It is a life utterly outpoured for the kingdom of God and lived in complete disregard for one's personal happiness.
- Watchman Nee
- Watchman Nee
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Plantation Pic
I just found this pic on my computer. It was from our trip to Florida last month...
Yvette is going to be ticked I put it on here. :-)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Nowadays Christians appear to treat prayer as a means to accomplish their aims and ideas. If they possessed just a little deeper understanding, they would recognize that prayer is but man uttering to God what is God's will.
- Watchman Nee
- Watchman Nee
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Power of Music
“Music... will help dissolve your perplexities and purify
your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and
sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.”
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Sunday Prayer
Father, may this holy day be more about You, and less about me, in Christ's name and for His sake, Amen.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Theological Term of the Day
A Disciple is a pupil or follower of a religion, a person, or a movement. Christians are to be disciples of Jesus (Luke 14:26,27). They follow in the teaching and example of Christ. It should be noted that a disciple is a convert but not all converts are disciples. As disciples, Christians are to bear their cross daily (Matt. 16:24) meaning that they are to live and die for Him if necessary (Matt. 16:25).
- carm.org
Monday, September 10, 2012
Monday Morning "Quarterback"
Aside from being disappointing in the outcome of the Colts game...
As Pastor, I want everyone to know that I look forward to coming to church every Sunday, and thankful for the friendships my family is building with others in the church.
Oh yeah, and my Mom, Carolyn, visited Beneva Christian this past Sunday and she said Beneva was "the friendliest church she has ever visited."
(I didn't pay her to say that!)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Today in Church History
September 9th
Millionaire Borden of Yale Gave All for Christ
William Whiting Borden was a millionaire at 21 and ordained
at twenty five on this day, September 9, 1912. Many young men have
been ordained; few began as rich Borden or used their wealth as generously for
the sake of Christ.
It was Borden's wealth which showed him the need for
Evangelization of the world. Few sixteen year olds can afford a world tour.
Borden could. It was while making this tour that he woke to the desperate need
of the world's people for the gospel. He determined to carry the message to the
most difficult clientele he could imagine, Chinese Muslims.
Spiritually precocious, Borden was a director of Moody Bible
Institute, National Bible Institute, and the China Inland Mission in his early
twenties. Among the leaders of the Christian world movement who influenced him
were Samuel Zwemer, Apostle to Islam, and John R. Mott of Student Evangelism
Movement fame.
He trained at Yale University (accordingly, he is often called Borden of
Yale) and at Princeton . Many do not avail
themselves of the opportunities that are at hand. Borden, however, did not wait
to reach China
to begin his missionary work. He funded the Yale Hope Mission while still
training. It was while he was at Princeton
that he was ordained.
In 1912 Borden offered himself for the China Inland Mission.
Upon his acceptance, he sailed for Cairo , Egypt , proposing to study Arabic in North Africa
before going on to his work among China 's Muslims. But in Egypt he
contracted cerebrospinal meningitis and died in 1913. He was only 26.
This loss of a rich young ruler who had given up all for
Christ galvanized many Christians into action. Mrs. Howard Taylor wrote a
biography of him which inspired a multitude of recruits for mission service.
Even his wealth effectively advanced his purposes after he was gone, for in his
will he left almost a million dollars to Christian causes.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Theological Term of the Day
The word "dicaconate" comes from the Greek "diaconos" and means servant. In the church, it is most frequently used to designate someone who serves or helps others. In ecclesiastical matters it refers to the office of Deacon (1 Timothy 3:8) diavkono" occurs 31 times in the New Testament and is translated as minister, servant, and deacon.
- carm.org
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
My New Church
Friends and Family,
A friend of mine from Indiana asked about my new church, and I told them about the people who attend Beneva Christian, the church facilities, and the Sarasota area. I then recommended they go to our church website for more info.
If you would like to see it, check out Beneva Christian's website...HERE.
A friend of mine from Indiana asked about my new church, and I told them about the people who attend Beneva Christian, the church facilities, and the Sarasota area. I then recommended they go to our church website for more info.
If you would like to see it, check out Beneva Christian's website...HERE.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Today in Church History
September 4, 1847
Dying Henry Lyte Asked God to Stay Near
Henry Francis Lyte was desperately ill with tuberculosis. He
did not expect to live. He was so sick, in fact, that he had prepared a
farewell sermon to preach later on this morning, September 4, 1847. Meanwhile
he drew a paper toward him on which he had begun to write some verses:
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
His mind passed back over his life as he touched up the
stanzas; and he wrote, "Thou on my head in early youth did smile..."
Henry's loving mother had taught him Bible stories and God's love. However, his
father abandoned the family. Henry's mother soon died. Nine-year-old Henry was
left alone in the world. A kindly Irish minister named Dr. Robert Burrows, with
five children of his own, took Henry in and put him through school. (Later
Henry paid the Rev. Burrow back all that he owed him.)
Henry planned to study medicine but weak health forced him
to turn to the ministry instead. He won prizes at Trinity
College , Dublin for poems--three years in a row--and a
scholarship. In 1814 he graduated, and was ordained as a minister of the Church
of England the next year.
The young clergyman tended Abraham Swanne, a dying pastor.
Swanne's deep faith and fearlessness in the face of death made a strong
impression on Henry. He helped Swanne's wife and family arrange their affairs
while carrying on his own pastoral duties. As a consequence of his overwork,
his health broke down. He had to go to warmer France to regain his health.
Henry pastored English churches the rest of his life.
Twenty-three of those years were at Brixham, a Devonshire
fishing town. His people loved him, for he took a strong interest in their work
and visited the boats whenever they returned from sea. Anna Maxwell, his wife,
visited the sick and lent a hand in the town's projects. By careful management
of household expenses, she saved enough money to send Henry to warmer France and Italy by himself every winter.
Fifty-four-year-old Henry was used to living with one foot
in the grave when he preached his final sermon. He reminded his hearers that we
must all die and that those who have embraced the death of Christ in their
lives are best prepared to face the body's death. "I stand here among you
today, as alive from the dead, if I may hope to impress it upon you, and induce
you to prepare for that solemn hour which must come to all, by a timely acquaintance
with the death of Christ."
He planned to go to Italy where he hoped sunshine and
warmth would restore him. He made it only as far as Nice , France .
There he became so ill he had to rest. Again God stayed with him in the form of
an English clergyman who nursed him. Ten weeks after preaching his farewell
sermon, Henry died.
- www.christianity.com
Monday, September 3, 2012
Labor Day
We spent the day preparing the home we are going to be moving into this week!
Lots and lots of labor!
Keep us in your prayers tomorrow as we begin to unload the truck.
Psalm 23
Lots and lots of labor!
Keep us in your prayers tomorrow as we begin to unload the truck.
Psalm 23
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Theological Term of the Day
Devil comes from the Greek word diabolos, which means accuser. The greatest of all the fallen angels, He opposes God and is completely evil, however, He is not equal to God as might be understood from a dualistic perspective. He is often called Lucifer which is a Latin translation of "light bearer" found in Isaiah 14:12, and also the accuser of the brethren in (Rev. 12:10), dragon (Rev. 12:9), the devil (Matt. 4:1), the tempter (Matt. 4:3), the accuser (Rev. 12:10), the prince of demons (Luke 11:15), the ruler of this world (John 12:31), See Isaiah 14:12-15 for a description of the fall of the devil. Upon Jesus' return, the Devil will be vanquished -- depending on the eschatological position. His future is the eternal lake of fire.
- carm.org
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