Love God, Love Others

Ronn is the Pastor at Beneva Christian Church in Sarasota, Florida.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Prayer for Today

Love Power


No problem is too big
for your power.

No person is too small
for your love!


Positive Prayers for Power-Filled Living - Robert H. Schuller

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jesus Said...

"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”


Baptism's, Transformations, Food Pantry (See WOW Moments listed below), New Members,Little Disciples Preschool Graduation Ceremony, Cyesis Mother's Day, youth Work Day at Flo's, Jennifer's Graduation Party, and CropWalk!

What a blessing to be a part of Beneva Christian, living out the Jesus commands!


Recent “Wow Moments” at Beneva by Jon Hale

Beneva’s old commercial refrigerator ended its useful life last February.  Ruben Caban from El Toro Bravo put us in touch with a restaurant equipment supplier in Ohio and we recently ordered a replacement for just under $2,100.  Meanwhile Yvette and the youth issued a challenge to the Beneva Congregation to raise the funds for the new refrigerator.  In less than 3 weeks the youth and congregation contributed over $2,500 for the refrigerator.  WOW!

When the refrigerator arrived, it was bolted to a pallet.  It needed to be unbolted from the pallet and casters needed to be attached.  Meanwhile, the refrigerator weighs almost 400 pounds.  Greg and one of his co-workers took care of it and it is now in operation.  Greg, I thank you & my old back thanks you.  WOW!

A few weeks ago I asked some of the Food Pantry clients what else we at Beneva can do to help.  One gentleman asked for prayers for his wife & we did that.  Other clients suggested paper products, soaps, fresh fruits and vegetables. One of the first people I asked was Paulette.  She told me she makes her own laundry soap at a cost of about $0.01 per load.  She brought in some and we gave some away at the Food Pantry.  Now at least 3 people are making batches of soap for the Food Pantry clients and many others are saving plastic bottles.  At some point soon, we might have laundry soap for each of the 20 – 25 weekly food pantry clients.  WOW!

We mentioned the Food Pantry needs to the Beneva congregation and people brought in hundreds of rolls of TP and paper towels plus many boxes of food.  WOW!

I mentioned the need for fresh fruits and vegetables to a few people including Patty, Sara and Pastor Ronn and it was suggested that I talk to Karl Nelson.  (Karl has donated cheese to the Food Pantry and he knows a lot of people in the produce industry.)  A few weeks ago Karl started buying produce in Plant City for our Food Pantry.  The Plant City produce is very fresh and the prices are wholesale.  Meanwhile Carroll & Lisa Hatfield have advised on what to buy and how to avoid spoilage.  We’ve been able to add potatoes, Romaine lettuce and bananas to the occasional produce from All Faiths Food Bank.  The Food Pantry clients are extremely thankful.  WOW!

Last Saturday Karl Nelson gave me a call.  Seems he had been working at a farmers market and he mentioned our Food Pantry to a few other venders.  The produce venders donated three types of lettuce, kale, strawberries, radishes, spinach, onions and green beans.  If Karl & his friends keep donating, we’ll need to make a major expansion in the Food Pantry operation.  WOW!

I called a friend who has been working her way through some financial challenges and I told her about our food pantry.  (I was thinking she might need some help.)  She said she was currently doing fine, but she wanted to try helping us.  She has helped the last 2 Thursdays with organizing the food from All Faiths and finding the expiration dates.  WOW!

Art Bedard works for a cement forms company in St. Pete.  A few months ago the owners of the company donated 5 cement bumpers for use in our parking lot.  Recently I asked Art to see what they would charge for 5 or 6 more cement bumpers.  (I found cement bumpers on the web for $40 to $60 each, plus shipping.)  A couple of days later Art relayed the information that the company would give us over 100 cement bumpers if we would pay the shipping. Since then the number of bumpers has increased and the current guess is approx. 175.

Related to the cement bumpers – Lee Alderman, a landscaper at Freedom Christian Church has volunteered to bring some of his landscaping equipment to move the cement bumpers.  WOW!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Question....

I believe one of the central questions for Beneva Christian is this...

"Are we going to be an organization that moves, or a movement with organization?"

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Theological Term of the Day

Free Will

Free will is the freedom of self-determination and action independent of external causes.  It is the ability to make choices.  A choice is free if it is consistent with a person's desires and nature.  Free will is of two main types:  compatibilistic and libertarian.
Compatibilism is the position that man's free will is restricted by his sinful nature, and as a result he can choose only what his sinful nature will allow him to choose, which means he will not choose God of his own free will because he is enslaved to sin.  It also states that a person is only as free as his nature permits him to be free, and that his sinfulness prevents him from freely choosing God (1 Cor. 2:14; Rom. 3:10-12; Rom. 6:14-20).
Libertarian free will is the position that man's free will is not restricted by his sinful nature, in that he is not enslaved by sin so that he only chooses sinful things, and that he can freely choose to accept or reject God despite his enslavement to sin.  It also states that an unsaved sinner is still able to freely choose God in spite of his sinful nature (John 3:16; 3:36).

Free will does not exist in strict materialism where the brain chemistry dictates outcome and free will is an illusion.

Monday, June 17, 2013


So, if I need to get a hold of the NSA directly, can I just dial any number?

Happy Monday to you all.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

I Respond

Thank you, Lord, for bringing me to the 
place where love can knock at the door
of my heart.  O Father, do not let
me be afraid.  I shall not resist your
affectionate touch.  Let me, O Lord,
have the spirit of a little child and
dare to respond and run with open arms to 
your call of love.

Positive Prayers for Power-Filled Living, Robert H. Schuller

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Walk

O God, I'm inspired.
For you have just impressed
this truth into my mind:
The most powerful force in the world
is a positive idea in the mind of a 
believer who is walking in your will!
I now reach forth my life and say,
"God, put my life into the center of
your will."

Positive Prayers for Power-Filled Living, Robert H. Schuller

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Theological Term of the Day

Free Knowledge

The free act of God’s will where he, after his free act of creation, knows all things that are going to happen and that this knowledge is contingent upon his free creative will. Therefore, the free knowledge of God would be different if he had chosen a different creative fiat. In other words, because God created one possible existence instead of another, the range of his knowledge regarding actual existence would have been different had he created something different in the first place. (See also Natural knowledge and Middle Knowledge.)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Prayer for Today



is my deciding
to make someone else's problem
my problem.

Help me to love

my fellow persons
that way, Lord

Positive Prayers for Power-Filled Living

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Patiently Waiting

I Am Waiting

Thank you, Lord, for your messages

that come from the deepest, unexplored,
unfathomable seas of silence.
Through beautiful, positive thoughts
you come into my mind.
Oh, Lord, it is going to be a great day!
I am waiting.  I am ready.
I am listening.  I will move.

Positive Prayers for Power-Filled Living

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Theological Term of the Day

Four Spiritual Laws

The Four Spiritual Laws are a compilation of the broad gospel message intended to be be delivered and understood in four basic steps.  They are:
  1. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, John 3:16; 10:10
  2. We have all sinned and are separated from God, Rom. 3:23; 6:23
  3. Jesus is the only way to be forgiven of our sins and find God, John 14:6
  4. We must personally received Jesus as Savior and Lord, John 1:12
These four are basic guidelines and are often used as a guide to explain the gospel message.  As the presenter delivers the information he/she will expand on each point.
Not all Christians agree that the fours spiritual laws are sufficient.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Today's Prayer

"Possibility Thinkers"

Lord, when I face a mountain,
do not let me quit!
Give me the strength to keep on striving
until I climb over,
find a pass through,
or tunnel underneath.
And if my best efforts fail,
give me the patience to stay
and the perception to see
the possibilities
of turning my mountain into a goldmine
with your help.

Positive Prayers for Power-Filled Living.