Love God, Love Others

Ronn is the Pastor at Beneva Christian Church in Sarasota, Florida.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Theological term of the Day


Baptism is an immersion or sprinkling of water that signifies one's identification with a belief or cause.  In Christianity it is the believer's identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection (Rom. 6:4-5).  It is done in the name and authority (Acts 4:7) of Christ with the baptismal formula of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19).  It does not save us (1 Pet. 3:21).  However, it is our obligation, as believers, to receive it.


  1. There is a Baptism that DOES save however, and it has nothing to do with water, but the Holy Spirit. I think this a distinction that has diminished in the Gospel that we present. What is our life immersed in? Is it Jesus, have we been Baptized with the Holy Spirit or are we relying on getting our hair wet?

    Baptism must be in the spirit. For Johns Baptism (water only) was a Baptism of repentance as is clearly stated in Acts 19:1-7 but what is also said is that the Baptism of Jesus is one of the Holy Spirit and of Salvation. For what evidence is there for Salvation other than the Holy Spirit?

    Good stuff Ronn, Just thought I would add a bit.

  2. What does this baptism you are talking about save us from? Are you saying that baptism of the Holy Spirit replaces the faith commitment of believing that Jesus is the propitiation for our sins? Or does this baptism happen following an initial decision to trust Jesus?

    Thank you for posting, I enjoy the theological conversation.

  3. The Baptism I am speaking of is the one that Christ commanded us to perform. Matthew 28:16-20
    It is the very act of being baptized into the family of God. I believe this act of obedience is the first fruits of faith. It is the work of the cross and the indwelling of the Holy spirit that saves us but it is only when we plunge head first into this reality that we experience salvation. I think you are right to say that Baptism does not save, that is true, but it does signify our salvation and that our lives are being baptized/fully immersed in the spirit.


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