Love God, Love Others

Ronn is the Pastor at Beneva Christian Church in Sarasota, Florida.

Monday, July 9, 2012

What I like...

Since I am in a bit of a transition, I was thinking this week about things I enjoy and how I like to spend my time. So here's a few of the fun things that came to mind!

Hiking (not mosquito's)
Playing Hide and Seek with the kids in the house (Lights out and tag option)
Scenic views (without binoculars)
History (Christian/European/North American stuff mostly)
Starting projects (that have purpose)
Playing board games with the family (as long as we play by the rules!)
Finishing projects (that make a difference)
Fast computers (and internet connections)
Conversation and discussion with friends and family (not gossip or counseling)

I am sure the list could go on and on, but those are what come to mind.

What about you?

1 comment:

  1. Sewing always a favorite.
    Helping and encouraging a friend (can include family members).
    Checking out information on computer (and yes a faster connection makes for less frustration).
    Reading a good book (in stages).
    Looking at the scenery in the summer or at Christmas time.
    Finishing projects over a month old.
    Discussions that make a difference.
    Seeing my family.
    Starting projects that will help organize.
    Coming up with ideas that will help organize.
    Moving furniture around!
    Listening to Disney music, favorite choruses, and Gospel music (only by certain artists)
    Looking at a slideshow on the computer of trips to Disney.

    This is just a part of my things to do when not pressed to do something else and not necessarily in this order.
    O yes, shopping should be on the list but I am not saying where.
    And all I am able to do I thank God for the grace He has given me to do it!!!!


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