Love God, Love Others

Ronn is the Pastor at Beneva Christian Church in Sarasota, Florida.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Prayer of Rest

Dear God,

Please help us to rest.
Please help us remember that You are All There Is.

I place my list of things to do in your hands.
Just for a moment, I let it go.

I place any thoughts about how things should be different in your hands.
Just for a moment, I let them go.

I place any thoughts about how someone else should be different in your hands.
Just for a moment, I let them go.

I place any thoughts about how I should be different in your hands.
Just for a moment, I let them go.

Right now, just for a moment,
I allow things to be exactly as they are,
I allow myself to be exactly as I am,
And so I rest.

You promise us the peace that passes understanding; 
a peace that we can touch whatever our circumstances.

Dear God, I ask to touch that peace now.
I make space for it now.

Please come into my heart and let me know your peace.
I allow myself to be held in this place of Peace.
I relax in the arms of your Love.


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